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About Us

"Education-plus" programme

All HKU students are welcome to join the Programme. Each student is permitted to register for more than one event, given that those who have not joined any event or have participated with a fewer number of events will have a higher priority in registration. A digital certificate will be given to students as proof of certification/participation. 


Our programme consists of four different components:

1. Industrial seminars

The industrial seminar is normally within two hours, organized on campus. The industrial seminars bring industrial practitioners and in-service teachers/educational leaders to campus to share their practices in using various technologies for teaching and other non-teaching professions and allow students to have conversations and dialogues with practitioners to obtain their first-hand experiences to widen their perspectives. 

2. Hands-on workshops at industrial facilities

Hands-on workshops at industrial facilities can support students to visit different industries on-site and learn about their practices of using technologies for enhancing the work, including schools implementing various types of technologies, such as ChatGPT, for supporting students’ information inquiry.

3. Field visits at business facilities and schools

Field visits at business facilities and schools can provide students with hands-on experience to try out different available technologies on-site which could not be brought to campus (e.g. Integrated generative AI in existing systems; use of VR in schools; data analytics in social media platforms).

4. Symposium on emerging technologies in education and beyond

Symposiums encourage students to engage in academic and industrial dialogue in a professional conference environment and allow students to join roundtable discussions among themselves and other panellists to share their experience in participating in this programme and discuss ways in which to go beyond after graduation.

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Our Goals

Co-develop and pilot a two-year “education-plus” programme with our external industrial partners for our students in the Faculty, which aims to enhance students' awareness of various emerging technologies in industries and explore different ways of using these technologies in various applications.

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Our Leadership

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Research Support

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